Due to rising energy cost, inflation, and shortage of equipment from suppliers, we are restructuring our SDC! Therefore, we are not accepting new members right now.
HOWEVER, you can still dive with us, go on trips, excursions, or do courses with us! 🙂
Send us a message if you want to know more or get on the waitlist for the SDC!
Nobody likes to dive alone
Welcome to the Social Diving Club, your online and offline community for international scuba divers who want to dive with friends. We are a fun group that’s constantly growing and we think you should join us today!
We welcome anyone who likes to dive with us, talk diving, and join us for fun dives, diving trips, and courses or on other social events online or offline. And don’t worry…you don’t have to show up to meetings or make cookies for the booster club! 😉
What We Do
We offer all divers a place to share ideas and discussions and live the diving lifestyle. We regularly go diving around the world and offer courses, seminars, and webinars just for our members!

How You Can Benefit
It’s more fun to dive together!
Join us and always dive with friends! Connect to other divers online and nearby, get exclusive deals and discounts, and free online courses. If this is not enough to convince you, here are three more ways you can benefit from joining the Social Diving Club:
How To Join
Joining our community is 100% free!
Create an account, set up your profile, and join the discussion.
If you want to benefit from exclusive discounts and deals, and receive free courses and dives, we offer several tiers of premium memberships. Of course, you can cancel at any time and there are no hidden fees ever.